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Oakburn Books have a number of items of Penguin ephemera available for sale.
These are genuine items, made by or for Penguin Books and sold at the time, usually as part of a Penguin anniversary.

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At the moment we are in the process of compiling our lists - and this will take some time. Email us at Oakburn Books for orders, queries or to ask if we have an item in stock.

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Proof Copy

Number 1484

Private Printing

Special S192

SET OF THREE BOOKS (No. 1484, S192 and signed private printing) FOR SALE

and 3 other related books (Set of 4 books)

This proof copy is one of a small number produced by Hazell, Watson and Viney of which one was obtained by the police and a further 12 copies were 'officially' handed over to Detective Inspector Monahan of Scotland Yard on 16 August 1960 by W.E. Williams in the presence of Hans Schmoller in order to initiate the legal challenge to the book's publication under the Obscene Publications Act, 1959. To protect Williams's position as Secretary General of the Arts Council, the official record was later changed to show that Hans Schmoller handed over the copies.

The verso of title page only bears the printer's inscription. (No details of publisher, book history or date of publication printed at this stage). Hazell, Watson and Viney, who made the proofs, then refused to produce the 'unexpurgated version'.

A chance to acquire this historic book. Only a small number of this un-bound pre-production book were produced, and few exist. This is in proof size of 124mm x 196mm.
The trial judge's proof copy (annotated by Sir Laurence Byrne) recently was sold at Sotheby's auction for £56,250

Item description: Covers foxed, top of spine slightly bumped, and slight browning of paper and edges. Plain card cover with title page text and printed 'Proof Only'. 318pp. Slightly larger format 124mm x 196mm. This copy is unmarked. Made and printed by Hazell Watson and Viney Ltd. (B- condition).
The verso of title page only bears the printer's inscription, since at the proof stage no further details relating to publication dates, print history or publisher were added.

3 Other books are offered for sale:

  • Copy of No. 1484 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'. Printed in 1960 by Western Printing Services Ltd., Bristol, this was part of the first batch produced ahead of the outcome of the trial.

  • Allen Lane's private printing of 'The Trial of Lady Chatterley'. This is a hardbound copy printed privately in 1961. It is a limited edition of 2,000 copies, and signed by Allen Lane (copy No. 644). It also has an insert from Allen Lane explaining the book to his friends. The contents includes material from S192 and a report from the House of Lords debate.

  • The Penguin Special S192 with a green cover produced by Penguins on 'The Trial of Lady Chatterley: Regina v. Penguin Books Limited'. Published in February 1961 and printed by Cox and Wyman Ltd.

    The background

    In November 1959 Allen Lane decided to publish an unexpurgated edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover as part of a number of Lawrence's books to mark the 75th Anniversary of the author's birth and 30th anniversary of his death (1885 - 1930).

    The initial print order was placed with the printers Hazell, Watson and Viney Ltd but they wrote back to Penguin on 1st April 1960 that they could not proceed with printing the unexpurgated version. Having already undertaken the initial work they agreed to provide the 'proof copies'.

    Allen Lane eventually found Western Printing Services Ltd willing to produce the book and an order was given for 200,000 copies. However the change of printers caused delays and Penguin had to announce to the trade press that the publishing of Lady Chatterley's Lover would be delayed. This was brought to the attention of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) who, having been supplied with a copy of the unexpurgated version printed abroad, decided to instruct the police to investigate.

    The police had obtained a proof copy and on 4th August Allen Lane was visited by Detective Inspector Monahan of New Scotland Yard who had with him a marked-up proof copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover printed by Hazell, Watson and Viney Ltd. It was agreed that Penguin would hand over (and thus 'publish') 12 proof copies on 16th August 1960, and Penguin Books voluntarily handed over 12 copies to the Police from their offices in Holborn. This was so Penguin Books would face prosecution and have the opportunity to defend themselves, rather than a copy being seized from a bookshop, and the bookshop face prosecution and having the books destroyed.

    A Summons was issued on the 19th of August charging Penguin with publishing an Obscene Book. The Trial at the Old Bailey began on 20 October, and on Wednesday 2nd November a verdict of 'Not Guilty' was brought in. With 35 eminent witnesses for the defence, none for the prosecution, and the jury asked whether this was "a book you would wish your servants to read?" the outcome was not a complete surprise.

    Following the trial, production was increased, Cox and Wyman rapidly went into production, followed later by Hazell, Watson and Viney Penguin. Books sold 2 million copies by Christmas 1960, and a further 1.3 million in 1961.

    Allen Lane also commissioned a Penguin Special, 'The Trial of Lady Chatterley: Regina v. Penguin Books Limited' which was edited by C. H. Rolph. Published as S192 in February 1961, it drew together material about the book, legal proceedings and witnesses and reported on the trial. Allen Lane then produced privately a limited edition hardbound version which additionally included material from the House of Lords debate. He signed each book and included an explanatory note to his friends.



    £55.00 for set of three books

    PENGUIN T-SHIRT, 100% COTTON, with Green Crime and Mystery design of FAREWELL, MY LOVELY by Raymond Chandler. Produced in 1995 for Penguin as part of 60th Anniversary.

    T-Shirt in original cellophane wrapping and unopened. Made in one size.
    c. 1974 Puffin Mug

    PUFFIN BOOKS MUG c. 1974, with design by Quentin Blake. The mug was manufactured by Churchill and made in England. Has the Puffin design on both sides of mug, and 'PUFFIN BOOKS' on both sides of the inside of the mug.

    This item has been used and shows some wear. No chips.
    Playing Cards

    'THE PLAYING CARDS': Sixty Penguin Years. Set of playing cards in original carton. 54 cards depicting Penguin Book covers. Produced in 1995 for Penguin as part of 60th Anniversary.

    Unused playing cards, but carton opened, with opened cellophane wrapping (as in photograph).


    'THE GREAT PENGUIN BOOKCHASE' BOARDGAME. Specially designed edition of Bookchase® produced with permission of Penguin Books Ltd to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the original Penguin paperbacks first published in 1935. Second image shows board and contents. This special game was designed by Tony Davis and produced in 2010 by Art Meets Matter Ltd for Penguin's 75th Anniversary.

    This set has been opened, the miniature books created with the stickers included, and used once (as in photograph). Comes complete with Board, Question cards, book shelves (for each player) and books, dice and Award or Sentence? cards.

    45 rpm Record


    'LADY CHATTERLEY' 45 rpm RECORD, released in February 1961 by Collector Records (JDP 15002). Recording by Ronnie Cass and Peter Myers. The 'B' side is 'POLICE NOTICE'. [Pressings: 7 CRT 7-IL (A) and 7 CRT 8-IL (B)]
    This record was produced as a result the Court case in November 1960 when Penguin Books were taken taken to court (in the UK) under the newly introduced obscenity laws for publishing the full version of Lady Chatterly's Lover, and on 2nd November 1960 Penguin Books were found 'not guilty'. The prosecution was ridiculed for being out of touch with changing social norms when the chief prosecutor, Mervyn Griffith-Jones, asked if it were the kind of book "you would wish your wife or servants to read".

    The record is in very good condition and in its plastic bag, but the cover has various tears to the three closed sides,

    Model Van

    Made in 1995 by Lledo PLC. Boxed model of 1950 Penguin Delivery Van for 'Vanguards' Days Gone - Fifties and Sixties Classic Collection. Produced as part of 60th Anniversary.

    The model (no. 63001), which is in the original display box, is in very good condition, but the box is slightly bashed.

    Rubber Stamp

    PENGUIN RUBBER STAMP - BOOKPLATE SET Produced for Penguin Books by First Class Stamps Ltd. Boxed set contains 1 wood mounted rubber stamp with a Penguin Logo with the words "This book belongs to", 1 black ink pad, and 20 gummed bookplate stickers. Made in 1995 as part of 60th Anniversary.

    This item is in new condition and has never been used. Box has slight crease/bump in one corner. Is an interesting item of memorabelia but also can be used on the bookplate stickers or as a rubber stamp on your own books.


    PENGUIN PENCILS (contains 6 'completely unsharpened' pencils). Made in 2004 for Penguin in Taiwan for Arts Meets Matter Ltd.

    The box of six pencils is unused, though it has been opened at the base. Each pencil has a distinct colour (the Penguin tri-band of colour-white-colour) and two book titles - matching the colour series - printed on the barrel (one on each side). The leads are normal black graphite. This is a lovely item - and the pencils can be sharpened and used.


    BLACK PLASTIC WRISTWATCH commemorating 60 Penguin Years. This watch was made in 1995 and is a rare item produced as part of 60th Anniversary. It has the Penguin logo and 60th Anniversary theme on the watchface.

    This watch is used. It is in good condition and is working (takes an AG4 battery). An unusual and scarce item.


    THE FIRST TEN PENGUINS: Republished in facsimile to mark Penguin's fiftieth anniversary. Set of 10 boxed books with Folder insert cover and folded sheet with biographies on one side and photo montage of press cuttings on the other.

    This set is in good condition. The first book, Ariel has small splits to base and top of spine. Books have slightly faded spines, as box originally sat open in bookshop window. The box has wear to edges.


    Do email us at Oakburn Books if you are interested in any of our Penguin Items or Books.

    This page was last modified on September 2021 and is an advertisement by Oakburn Books

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